Stop Insulin In Less Than A Month!


In the past couple of weeks I've done blog posts related to blood sugar issues. Did one on kind of a new thought process around blood sugar and Type 2 Diabetes. Not so new to us. We talked about that in the blog post. And then I did one a little while back on Intermittent versus Episodic Fasting. After listening to what I say today you might want to go back and review those blog posts because they're applicable to this.

[Testing insulin resistance blog video]

[New Approach To Blood Sugar]

[Intermittent & Episodic Fasting]

Today I'm talking ... I'm back to holding paper again. If you go back, I don't know a year or so, I did the newscaster thing like this where I hold paper. Anyway, talking about a case report in the British Medical Journal. This was back in 2018. The title so that if you want to pull it up you can, title of the article in the British Medical Journal was “Therapeutic Use of Intermittent Fasting for People With Type 2 Diabetes as an Alternative to...

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A "New" Approach To Managing Blood Sugar


Back in 2015, not too long ago, in a medical journal called Diabetes…aptly named. There was a research article that just recently came across my desk.  The lead author's last name was Nolan and N-O-L-A-N if you want to look it up.  The article was basically discussing what they present as a new concept that maybe with type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance, maybe the insulin resistance itself is not the enemy.  That's a pretty new concept in conventional medicine. So what they lay out is for the worst cases of type 2 diabetes, the ones that don't respond well to medications, they're obese, they've got substantial insulin those cases, maybe we should rethink focusing on insulin resistance as the enemy. So let me find a way to describe this to you that will make some sense. Basically in type 2 diabetes, we have sugar entering the body, then sugar gets in the bloodstream than sugar has to go from the bloodstream into the cells.

There's this cell...

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Who decides what's real, and what's "misinformation"?

Uncategorized Mar 08, 2019

In light of the war over your choice for medical procedures these days, I am releasing a video that was used as bonus material in my Breast Cancer video course.  I wanted to make this particular video available to as many people as possible to help all of you understand some of the problems when someone decides what's "real" or "established" or "settled" science these days.  

When Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest is going to "filter out misinformation" to protect you from making ill-informed decisions...they are looking to "established medical science" from the very machine that produces, sells, and profits from these soon-to-be-mandated medical procedures.  Please be aware of some of the games they play when they create the "established" science that will be solely accepted as truth.  

You are about to have a situation in which massively powerful companies, protected from any liability for their product, will have the government mandate that you consume their...

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Cold & Flu season, What do I do?

Uncategorized Mar 06, 2019

Hi, everyone. I had a patient question the other day, yesterday, as a matter of fact, about what I do, or what my family does, for cold and flu season. They made the comment, "You never seem to get sick. What do you do for cold and flu season?" (Check out last year's flu season post here!)

I wouldn't say that we never get sick. We get sick, hopefully not as often as we used to, but my wife's an elementary school teacher, my son's in junior high, and I'm in a practice where I see sick patients from time to time. So we're exposed. No way around that. So every once in a while we get something. It usually doesn't last long, it's pretty mild, and we get past it. But I thought it was a really valid question. I answered it for the patient, but I figured I'd answer it for everybody here.

What do I do? Now I'm not saying that what we do is right for everybody, so don't misunderstand me. But I am going to talk a little bit about what we do at our house. We start "cold and flu season", fall...

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Blood Sugar And Insulin Resistance, Is This You?


Hi everyone. I Want to take a minute and talk to you today about insulin resistance. This is a blood sugar issue. If you're not familiar with what insulin is, first of all, I'm going to go over basics of blood sugar. When we eat something, especially something that has a significant carbohydrate content, or a significant refined carbohydrate content, or we just have something with sugar in it, like we drink a soft drink or something, then our blood sugar goes up. We digest that, it gets absorbed into our bloodstream and then our blood sugar starts to come up. Normal fasting blood sugar's probably going to be, about 75 to 90 maybe, somewhere in that range. Depending on who you talk to, it's 70 to 90, or 70 to 85, or 75 to 95. It varies a little bit, but it's in that range; below 90 and above 70, probably.

But when we eat something or drink something that has sugar in it, that blood sugar number's going to go up dramatically. When it does, our pancreas creates insulin to take some of...

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Fasting Part 2, Q&A


This is part 2, find part 1 HERE.

 Last week's blog post was on intermittent and episodic fasting. It went over well, but I got lots of questions, and I kind of figured I would. That's why I asked for questions, and that's why we do the blog posts.

Today, I'm going to go over some of those questions to get them answered, a part two to last week's blog post. I'm just going to jump right in.

First question I got ... I'm grouping these. I got four main questions, but they were all phrased different ways by different people, so I think if I answer these four, it'll pretty much cover what I got. When to do intermittent versus episodic fasting. That was a pretty common question in some way, shape, or form.

I guess I gave the impression that you only need to do episodic fasting if you're having trouble with intermittent fasting, if intermittent fasting isn't working for you. It can work that way. It can certainly help you become ... Episodic fasting can certainly help you become more...

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Intermittent & Episodic Fasting


Hi everyone! I you want to tell you a little bit about intermittent fasting versus episodic fasting.  You may not have heard of episodic fasting, but we'll talk about it in just a minute. Intermittent fasting is a paradigm, or a plan in which you eat all your food for the day within about an eight hour eating window. Now, that time can vary depending on your situation, but for our purposes here, we're going to talk about an eight hour eating window. That would mean that there's a 16 hour window where you don't eat. You can have plenty of water and you can have maybe some herbal tea, bone broth, something like that. But generally you don't need anything, just a few clear liquids, nothing that would raise insulin levels. That's an important part of it.

So the idea here is we're supposed to have a mechanism by which we eat, or overeat, and we take the extra and store it as body fat.  Then in times of need, when we don't have enough to eat, we can pull back out of the body fat...

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All About Magnesium, from a Functional Medicine Perspective

Uncategorized Feb 05, 2019

Hi everyone. As you can tell today I'm going to be talking about magnesium. Magnesium is a very important mineral for us. A lot of people are hearing more about it lately. I've had lots of questions come in about magnesium, thought I'd make a blog post and hopefully clear some things up for you. So magnesium, abbreviated Mg, as you can see here. Why should you care about magnesium? Why am I even bothering to make this blog post all about magnesium? Well, there is a large amount of magnesium deficiency in the US. Right now, it's considered a shortfall nutrient, meaning that roughly 80% of the population is likely deficient in magnesium. It's also very difficult for us to get because our soils are becoming much more depleted in magnesium and other minerals as time goes on. We continue to just apply chemical fertilizers to the soil and not rebuild the topsoil and take care of the microorganisms in the soil like we're supposed to.

Magnesium doesn't get taken up into the plant like it's...

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Why do I want all these thyroid tests?


I wanted to take a few minutes, it's the end of the day here, and excuse the bare walls behind me, I'm in my new office, and we haven't had time to quite finish settling yet. First video from the new office so I guess that's a milestone.

                                           I've had a couple patients come in the past, probably two weeks, where they've had ... well, the patients haven't necessarily had questions about a full thyroid panel, but their other doctors have had questions about, why are we ordering all this lab work? Why would want all this lab work? What are you trying to prove? What are you looking for? What's the relevance of this?


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Test Tube Meat! Are You Ready For This?


All right, so I'm home on a snow day, so you notice the different office here, but I didn't want you to miss ... Hold on. Let me get rid of something here, but I didn't want you to miss today's video because I think it's an important one for you. Let me just shut that down so it doesn't make any noise.

       Okay, so today, we're talking about what's been termed "clean meat." I'm going to call it "test tube meat" or "Petri dish meat." I guess the question at hand and coming more quickly than we thought is, "Are you ready to eat meat that was grown in a Petri dish in a lab versus grown on an animal?"

         You're starting to see articles come out and announcements be made that we're progressing in that direction, that we're making progress in this, and that we're starting to be able to create animal muscle tissue basically in a Petri dish. They take a small sample of muscle tissue from an animal. They start to grow it in a Petri dish....

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